Sunday, February 23, 2014

What grade am I in again?

This semester I have found myself faced with a very strange problem: I honestly don't know how to answer the question "What grade are you in?". I'm in grade nine for everything except English, in which case I've already finished grade 10 and have moved on to a grade 11 class. I think my peers figure I'm insane.
Thing is, I've always been the kind of kid who goes into gifted programs. I've done reports on Leonardo da Vinci, built a Rube Goldberg machine, learned university-level biology and physics, worked in a university microbiology lab. . . . I could go on. Most of the time I finish schoolwork early and I almost always land in the nineties for academics on my report cards. My worst subject: gym. My point? I'm all over the map when it comes to school.

Lately I've been answering the what-grade-you-in question with the following: "Nine. I think. Mostly. I'm in grade eleven for English." Because it really depends on what subject you're looking at. So I guess what I'm trying to say is being a genius is overrated. All of a sudden you've got a whole new set of problems most people can't relate to.

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